No to Problems%253b Yes to Prayers

No to Problems; Yes to Prayers

July 19, 2019

Good morning ladies may your fragrance be sweet and filled with God's promises.

Can we revisit the story of Hannah & Peninnah.
A favored woman of faith experiencing real life problems.
Woman of faith can have personal sufferings (her womb was closed) , women of faith can endure put downs, gossip & teasing (Peninnah was full of arrogance & pride because she was able to do something that Hannah, the favored wife, could not). Women of faith can be mistreated & abused. Women of faith can weep. Women of faith can live under a cloud of suspicion ( she was thought to have a bad relationship with God or to be adrunkard). Women of faith can find no ease or relief from their spouse, family,or friends at times (time passed without a child & Hannah couldn't understand why God had allowed this. She became distressed & depressed and nothing her husband could do or say would satisfy or ease her)
1 Samuel 1:1-17

Let's look at this perspective....
1. Sometimes God is directly responsible for what is happening. It's because God is up to something.
1 Samuel 1:6 "And her adversary also provoked her sore, for to make her fret, because the LORD had shut up her womb. "

2.Sometimes issues and problems can last a very long time. Faithfulness is not just for a season.
1 Samuel 1:7 "And as he did so year by year, when she went up to the house of the LORD, so she provoked her; therefore she wept, and did not eat. "This went on year after year. But Hannah remained faithful to God."

3. Some problems are designed to change us so He uses the issues/problems to get us into a different place to make that change.
1 Samuel 1:8-11

4. Some problems are tied to God's big plan. So when we act in faith amidst our own problems, we have no idea the ripple effect and how many folks will benefit.

5. "All" of our problems are best dealt with when we give them to God in surrendered prayer. Think of any time when God has us laid out-prostrate, in that moment of surrender everything changed. So it wasn't that Hannah's face wasn't downcast anymore that her prayer was answered, it was when she poured her heart out to the Lord.
1 Samuel 1:12-18

While facing a problem that seemed unfixable, insurmountable & unchanging Hannah continued to worship God through out "all" her circumstances. She understood the effects of prayer. She was faithful, persistent & fervent in prayer . Hannah was a Woman of Faith.
Can we all begin to pray and give our "all" to God? Just like Hannah, our spirit can be healed even before the problem is solved or the prayer is answered.

Your sister with love



"God Loves A Cheerful Giver" 2 COR. 9:6

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