It is Finished

It is Finished

May 09, 2019

Good morning no nonsense, go getters, women of God,

Today I want to share a pearl that was inspired by one of our Wise women.

Thank you so much my Louisiana "Grand Dame".

Prayerfully I will do justice to the wisdom you were sharing with me this Saturday.

Ladies can we agree we don't like to hear excuses from our kids, family or friends on why they can't or couldn't do something. As teachers we may have heard the silliest ones..."the dog ate my homework or I lost my pen, as parents we have heard the ridiculous... I didn't break it I don't know who did (even though no one else was around) or I was late because my alarm didn't go off (uhh really) or the one we tell the officers ourselves; "I'm sorry officer was I speeding?" (and you know your doing 50 in a 40). Most of us agree we have a very low tolerence for excuses.

Now I am not saying that there aren't times where we really have a legitiment reason on why we can't do something but can we be transparent; there are more times than not that we have moved past reasonable and smack dab in the middle of excuse territory.

It seems the world has gotten used to excuses and I am embarrassed to say we as sisters in Christ have gotten used to hearing them, accepting them and dare I say it... yes making & giving them.

Ladies the time for excuses is over.

First, we need to understand the excuses themselves so that we don’t fall for the bait & trap of them when they creep in on our hearts and slip past our lips to ourselves and others.

Are we saying them because we don't think we are qualified, we don't know enough, or in our own ability we can't do it, are we are fearful, or the saddest one we are we too busy? Hebrews 10:22-25

Beginning today sisters consider what your excuses are ( because God has heard them all) and make a choice.

Choose to say Yes to God & no to excuses, because we all want to please our Father.

2 Corinthians 1:20

Matthew 25:21-23

It (Excuses) is finished!!!



"God Loves A Cheerful Giver" 2 COR. 9:6

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