Take Care of Your Body

Take Care of Your Body

October 31, 2019

Good morning ladies. I pray your week has been wonderful since we last connected. I am sure you all wrapped your words in love & planted seeds of life as you went through your daily activities.

Today one of our most gracious & sweet sisters wanted to share a lovely pearl with us that she read along her journey.

Thank you Ms. Gail for blessing us with something we can meditate on & adorn our lives with...

Do you not know that your body is the temple (the very sanctuary) of the Holy Spirit Who lives within you, Whom you have received (as a Gift) from God?  1 Cor. 6:19

I want to ask you today the same question Paul asked the believers in Corinth centuries ago: Do you know that your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit? You are the home of God! Are you loving yourself, God, and others by caring for your physical body, treating it well, and using it for God’s purposes?

Some Christians focus only on the spiritual of life and they fail to properly care for their bodies.  Others have such low self-esteem that they don’t feel their bodies are worth caring for.  But God’s plan for us involves maintaining spiritual, emotional, and physical health.  He wants us strong in every way!  He wants us to feel good physically so we can serve Him and others, and be able to enjoy the life He has provided for us.

No matter what shape you are in physically, it’s never too late to improve and do some repair or maintenance on you temple.  You can start by learning the basic principles of good nutrition, drink lots of water, exercise, and rest.  Laughter is also important.

Proverbs 17:22

 It has been scientifically proven to improve your health.  It’s amazing how much better you can feel if you begin to make positive changes in these areas.  Give it a try! I promise you’ll be glad you did.

Love Yourself  Today: Do you need to learn how to make good food choices or get out and exercise?  Whatever you do, just get started on a new path of health and wellness.

Excerpt from Love Out Loud by Joyce Meyer

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"God Loves A Cheerful Giver" 2 COR. 9:6

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