Women Arise

Women Arise

May 02, 2019

Good morning chosen, loved, confident women of God,

All I can say is AWESOME!!!!

God did some powerful things last week in Southlake Texas and I was so blessed to be immersed in His divine and wonderful plan with sisters of every color and nationality. And then to return to our home at Life and have our Pastor, our Shepard confirm all that I heard.

All I can say ladies I shouted, I cried, and I realized I have to choose to Arise.

But Ladies I must share with you the call, the urging, the challenging, the CHARGE that was a Holy Spirit word for all women!!!!

Women of God Arise!!!

Do you realize God could have placed us in any time or any place but he chose us for this time, this generation, this moment. Did you hear that ladies He chooses us not uses us (what a great confirmation word from Michelle Cohen).

God has a charge for us and that is to arise and open our mouths and be doers not just hearers of the Word. (Proverbs 31:26)

We have a purpose and the people in this time in this place have need for our purpose. Are we walking in our purpose, are we in action or are we just sitting idle doing nothing?

Yes we know all of us have had and are still in valleys. Some of our valleys are deeper, darker, or scarier than others but ladies it's not about just resting in a high place but its our growing and stretching that happens in the valley that's how God's daughter's do it. (Jeremiah 31:15-17)

We aren't those dainty flowers that need perfect climates & safe houses to be what we are created to be. We are the kind of women that arise from the dirt, push through the concrete fissures, bloom in the darkness, get fragrant in the heat. We are His daughters and we ARISE.

We arise when it's dark and as I have learned last week that doesn't mean just the time of day but when it's actually dark in life.

So ladies through determination, perserverance and His divine perspective (not your own strength) let us be one with God, one against the enemy, & one for eachother and together we shall ARISE.

(Psalm 133:1)



"God Loves A Cheerful Giver" 2 COR. 9:6

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