24%252f7 365 4Ever

24/7 365 4Ever

October 17, 2019

Good morning my friends & sisters, 
  What a wonderful day just knowing we are so highly favored because of the promises our Father has made to us as His daughters.  I love me some heirship!!! 

You know, there are a lot of times, people have a hard time getting past the used to be’s in life. And did you know; A lot of people are hindered just as much by past victories as they are by past failures.

Its true, they hold on to them like their life or future depends upon the remembrance of them, I laugh with my husband when I hear people talk about their achievements or "glory days" & come to find out it happened when they were in college or even in high school. 

Well ladies I want you to know we can expect each day to be better than the one before, when we are serving and doing Gods work. We don't have to hold onto those past glories because His mercies are new every morning, Great is His faithfulness!  

Our Father holds us close always, He loves us no matter what, when others say we are nobodies or even when we think were nobodies, He made us a somebody, He adopted us and treated us, not like step children, but as His own.

 I mean ladies He wants us seated, right by His own Son!!! You can't get a better place than that.

His favor on us & to us is made available 24 hrs. a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.  Oh & it's not a little sprinkle of favor either (don't make me start testifying & giving testimony) it's a lifetime supply of Favor, Now don't misunderstand me, we should always be willing to acknowledge what God has done in the past...

But at the same time, we also have to look forward to what God wants to do in our lives today and in the future.
God is a progressive God, both in thinking and action and He wants us to be the same way.  Paul even talks about it looking towards the future, not the past. “... In the ages to come” God will do things that far supersede anything He’s ever done before.
Can you imagine? That means over and above anything up to this point that He has done!

And if your expectant of Him, a follower of Him, and obedient to Him, you can count on Him to be a deliverer of what you ask, not just occasionally, but consistently and faithfully 24/7 365 days
 4-Ever His Favor. 

Love you Much my Sisters,

Ephesians 2:4-9
Psalm 23
Lamentations 3:22-23

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"God Loves A Cheerful Giver" 2 COR. 9:6

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